Saturday, September 17, 2016

Stapelia Grandiflora

The common name for the plant below is the starfish cactus. The flower is shaped like a star. The flower is also surprisingly large, hairy, and also quite malodorous -  but beautiful, all at the same time.  I've been monitoring this succulent for weeks now, since I first bud saw the bud trying to push its head out. It was the size of a pin head. I could not resist taking a picture.

July 31st

Surprisingly, I did take another picture of this bloom until August 28th. What was I doing? Oh wait, I was photographing other succulents in bloom. In the mean time, big boy here was still doing his thing, waiting for his time to shine. Here is he one month later. Still small but getting there.

August 28th, and he's not alone

September 10th

September 14th, two different views

September 16th, check the size

Today, Big Hairy, Stinky and Beautiful

Check out the corona lobes

This flower measures 9 inches across, but some of these flowers can be 12 inches wide. The starfish cactus flower has a rank odor that attract flies and other insects which it uses to pollinate the blooms. Even this unpleasant odor can't take away from the amazing beauty of this plant. 

As you can see, there are more buds at different stages in size.  Everyone just wants to be a star. And they will.  Stay turned.

1 comment:

Maihuenia poeppigii