Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day

Summer loves are behind us. Autumn joys are just ahead.

Echinacea 'Cheyenne Spirit'

In the garden there are a number of projects that are still be completed: 1.) clean up the pond area, 2.) create a new shade garden in the backyard, 3.) plant new purchases in the front yard, and 4.) begin work on a new rock garden. It's simply been too hot lately, in the low 90s everyday. Not good for putting new plants in the ground. We expect another week of 90s ahead. So until the weather cools down, I will continue to enjoy the blooms on my potted succulents.

Adenium obesum on 8/28

And today

Here is the potted succulent

No, it doesn't stop here, I still have some Aloes blooming and there are a few more that are budding up nicely. So you see, some like it hot.

Stapelia grandiflora buds

A closer look

 Astrophytum asterias x ornatum second time for the season.

Gymnocalycium friedrichii more blooms coming.

 Plumeria another branch is budding. Blooms have a fantastic fragrant.

Monadenium ritchiei

Have a great Labor Day, enjoy and be careful.

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Maihuenia poeppigii